Coach Supervision

Coach supervision is developing across the world as coaches realise that supervision will support and empower them to work in an ethical and highly professional manner. Supervision is fundamental to the coach’s ongoing support and development.

Contrary to what the name suggests, supervision is a space for reflection and learning, rather than a place of checking up or controlling. The supervisor takes the approach of asking the supervisee – ‘How can I join you in your learning?’ rather than ‘What can I teach you?’

Professionally trained supervisors do more than just analyse a coach’s practice and use of the coaching competencies – this fits within the realm of mentor coaching which is most useful in the beginning stages of a coach’s training. Supervisors work by focussing on the dynamics of the coaching relationship. What might be getting in the way of a coach’s usual good work? Are there any blind spots? What has supported exceptionally powerful work? How is the quality of the relationship in the supervision potentially mirroring the relationship in the coaching, and the dynamics in the coaches environment – the parallel process that inevitably emerges across the whole system.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) has begun to recognise the importance of having a reflective practice. Competency 2 is entitled ‘Embodies a Coaching Mindset’ and competency 2.3 states: ‘Develops an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one’s coaching’ This is what supervision offers – a reflective space for attention to the coach as professional, coach and person.

Individual supervision

Ongoing individual supervision enables the supervisor and supervisee to build a strong relationship of authenticity and trust and together be able to notice patterns and trends in the supervisee that can be explored. A measure of regularity offers touch points for the supervisee to continue to build on and expand their professional self.

Group supervision

I offer group supervision with a maximum of 4 coaches in a 2 hour session.
Group supervision has the benefit of each coach learning by witnessing others each do their supervision work in turn. This is not an ‘advice circle.’ There are creative ways of using the wisdom of the group, for example, to invite each member of the group to share a metaphor that emerges as they listen to the supervision question of the coach working in supervision.

Coaches report the following benefits of group supervision:

  • personal empowerment
  • feeling supported by a coaching community
  • hearing about a range of client situations that they might not have experienced
  • being in a safe space to be vulnerable and open to learn and grow
  • being enriched by hearing about different approaches to coaching
  • raising their level of awareness and skill
  • becoming more self reflective
  • developing their ethical thinking
  • fulfilling the continuing professional development aspect of professional coaching

For more details email me at


If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
– Max Planck
